We want you to experience a serene and soothing spa environment and the hygiene and safety of a medical clinic. At Medspa Beauty Clinic we offer a number of cosmetic and non surgical face and body treatments:
Laser hair removal, Dermal filler treatment, Electrolysis & , Skincare, Aesthetic Facial And Body Treatments, Radio Frequency Face Lifting, Dermal Rolling, Facials, Face Peels, Cellulite & Body Sculpting, Lymphatic Detoxification, Cupping, Vitality, Health & Weight Control, Massage and Aromatherapy, Semi Permanent Make Up, Permanent Make Up, Skin Camouflage, Laser Therapy, Skin Problems ,Colonic Hydrotherapy, Microdermabrasion, Hair removal, Cellulite removal beauty treatments , Body wraps.
